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Calm, Clear & Collected

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Peace, Serenity & Balance

. . . . . . Calm, Clear & Collected . . . . . . Peace, Serenity & Balance

Leveraging YOUR internal resources for calm and clarity

Kelly and Peg put this simple Emotional First Aid Kit together for you to offer support during trying times.

It is filled with ten recommendations that are easy to learn and do. Anyone can do these: No experience necessary!

Feel free to share this page or the files you downloaded with your loved ones. They are for everyone!

May our suggestions assist you in creating peace, serenity and balance within you.

With love, Kelly and Peg Rose


Consider downloading the zip file to your phone and/or desktop in case there is a time when the internet is down.

You can also print the PDFs for easy reference.

This way you will have access to this information any time you like.